IQAC Reports

Current Path: ssr/ssr-dvv/6.Governance-Leadership-and-Management-(DVV)

Sr Name Type / Status Size Last Modified
1 6.2.2-E-Governance-in-Operations Folder 8 file(s) / 0 folder(s) 2024-03-15 12:21
2 6.3.2-Financial-Assistance-to-Teachers Folder 1 file(s) / 0 folder(s) 2024-03-13 14:51
3 6.3.3-FDP-MDPs-Professional-DevelopmentAdministrative-training-programs Folder 4 file(s) / 1 folder(s) 2024-03-14 16:30
4 6.5.2-Quality-assurance-initiatives Folder 4 file(s) / 1 folder(s) 2024-03-14 14:56

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